Andrew Negru

Teacher | Scholar | Entrepreneur | IT Guru 

Taking on the World, One Day at a Time

I want to be a leader that leads by example, gives others hope, I want to build up those who are around me by serving them, I want to leave any situation better than when I found it. I am representative of the Lion of Judah. Whatever happens, No regrets! “It’s kinda like the quest for the holy grail. Who cares what the holy grail is, it’s the quest that’s important”. The word adventure has been overused. Adventure for me is when everything goes wrong. The things I will stand for, The things I will be recognized for…. I will:Work hard in all that I do. (Col 3:23) Give my best effort in every task. (1 Thes 4:14) Be open, honest, and generous. (2 Cor 9:11) Be careful with words and actions. (James 1:26)

If you ride like lightning, you will crash like thunder. So eat lightning, crap thunder!

Do you live to work? Because that’s what many people do. They work 40 hours a week to buy things they don’t need so that they can continue to this process of purchasing and staying in debt
One of the best things you will ever experience is being debt free. As of April 2020, I am now DEBT free.

The idea is to work to live. Make enough money to actually use it on something beneficial. Use it to go on a vacation, or use your money to help people who are in need. Do not do like I did and spend your money aimlessly. Be diligent with your time and with your moeny and you will never regret it. As Mickey from Rockey said ” if you ride like lightning, you will crash like thunder”….So plan for the crash, eat that lightning, and crap that thunder.


You would think that after 11 years of this it would get easier.... read more

Once upon a time when food reviews were still read and more

Need some classroom posters to lift your spirits? Look more

How do you say goodbye to your kiddos? Every year I go through the same more

My Ever growing Excellent Adventure Bucket List

How many people does it take to change the world? Just one! Are you one of those people? I think I am and here is why……Everyday I change the world. I guess that is my burden. Everyday I inspire someone. I discipline someone. I encourage someone. I listen to someone. I give new knowledge everyday to someone. During my day I have no time to rest. I am being pulled in every which direction. I love every single second of it. So, what do I do that allows me to change the world? I am a TEACHER….. To teach I must also know, so…..These are the things I do, so that I can teach

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